Keys to Communication

     This week we talked about good communication and bad communication. What makes it effective and what doesn't work. We talked about the 5 secrets of effective communication. The first part of it is called the disarming technique. This is when someone confronts you, there is always some part of what they are saying that it true. There are parts that are there to hurt and attack but there are always kernels of truth in it. Once you recognize that and show the other person that you understand what they're saying, they are more open to what you're going to say. Another one of the secrets we talked about in class is expressing empathy to the other person. This is kind of like the disarming technique, but you express that you understand why they are feeling that way. The next part is inquiry. This means asking the other person why you are feeling this and getting a better understanding for yourself. The next part is to express how you are feeling, using 'I feel' statements. This can be a relief to you because you feel like you are being fully understood. The final part of these secrets is the 'stroking' technique. 'Stroking' refers to finding something positive about the other person and situation.

    Something I thought was interesting while we were learning about these 5 secrets were that you can use them in any order. They don't have to be one right after the other. They are individual techniques that can help you.


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