Family Trends
This week we learned SO much in my Family Relations class! I felt like every time I went to class, I learned something new! We started the week off by talking about how the trends of family have changed. This is in relation to divorce rates, marriage rates, and fertility rates. One of the most interesting topics we talked about was about fertility rates. We talked about how they have change and how they compare to different countries around the world. When I say fertility rates, I mean how many kids each family on average has. I knew that it was going to be low, but I didn't expect it to be 1.6 kids per family! That seemed crazy low to me! I come from a family with seven kids, so my idea of a small family is pretty much anything smaller than five. I knew it wasn't going to be way lower than I was expecting but I still thought that the average would be higher than that! This has lowered over the years and is at a lower average than ever before! In my own personal opin...